Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Portland's X-Ray Cafe Documentary

I found this really nice documentary on Portland's X-Ray Cafe on YouTube.  I never visited the X-Ray Cafe, but this film reminded me of everything I loved about growing up in Portland.  Portland was a city that didn't wait around for things to happen.  Kids instictively knew what they wanted and knew how to create their own scene.  Read more and watch the film after the jump.

There has always been a real rock-and-roll Do-It-Yourself vibe in Portland.  When I was in high school my friends and I would go see shows at the Pacific Academy and Urban Noize.  It had a lot of the attitude of what I'm seeing in this X-Ray Cafe film.  It was a place where creative people got together and didn't pass judgment on one another.  Nobody was really worried about money and the business of music - we were in Portland, Oregon for goodness sake!  Music was was fun and people wanted to share it.  There was a real variety of bands and the shows were never cohesive or fit into a theme.  Most bands faded into oblivion, but some went on to gain some recognition including:  The Wipers, The Rats/Dead Moon, The Stand/Poison Idea.

I would like to be cautious to not sound like an old codger, but I hope documents like this film on the X-Ray Cafe will inspire kids to go out and make their own scene because at the end of the "day" that's what they'll remember best.  It was their music, played for their friends, in their space and it was all created in the spirit of fun.

Thanks to OttOmOlOtOv for posting the movie. 

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