Monday, June 20, 2011

Gold Diggin Divas "Codependent"

So it appears that music has certainly progressed since the slightly more innocent days of Madonna's admission to being a "Material Girl," but definitely not for the better.

I think that the Gold Diggin Divas' YouTube "About Me" profile tells you all you really need to know about this trio:
Felicia, Betsy and Sophia "the cox sisters" were born and raised in  New Orleans La. Because of their hooter careers not taking off they decided against getting breast implants and taking the money to move to Los Angeles. Lucky for them their mother was able to move shortly after with her Fema from hurricane Katrina. The Cox sisters wanted to share a little bit of their New Orleans swag with Los Angeles through their rap music. They went from dating guys like the neighborhood mechanic GaryWayne, to wearing Christian Lou Boutins! N DAS A RAP!

That's the exact rip from YouTube - don't worry if you don't quite understand it all!

and in a slight video-call-and-response, I offer you this from BB King...

So gentlemen, be sure to mind Kanye's warning...

Sorry, Gold Diggin Divas don't get an album cover listed below - and I hope it stays that way!

Thanks to GoldDigginDivas, eaglerocktv, KanyeWestVevo for the uploads to YouTube.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tim Minchin "Prejudice"

Photo by Rich Hardcastle

A beautiful lesson from an enlightened soul...Tim Minchin uses the power of music to educate us about how to treat one another.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
--Mother Teresa

Be sure to check out his amazing poem "Storm" as well.

Ready for This?