Many thanks to LD for turning me on to Fever Ray. Fever Ray is a solo effort by Sweden's Karin Elisabeth Dreijer Andersson who also performs in a band called The Knife with her brother Olof Dreijer.
The video for Fever Ray's "When I Grow Up" is really something special. A mystical creature stands in the backyard, familiar ground while the leaves of Fall take refuge in the still waters, but still waters do run deep. The witch is clothed in all the garbage that is heaped upon us throughout our lives. She stands there working her magic, filled with regret and longing for what once was, and also hope for what still might be. Her spells reach a crescendo amidst crashing waves and turbulent emotion only to finally come to rest, and when our soul has been calmed she will leave us to our own dreams, and the gateway through the backyard and the waters will close. We are left alone to find our own way and our own loves, and to accept who we have become.
Fever Ray: Website
Thanks to FeverRayMusic for the upload to YouTube.