Monday, June 20, 2011

Gold Diggin Divas "Codependent"

So it appears that music has certainly progressed since the slightly more innocent days of Madonna's admission to being a "Material Girl," but definitely not for the better.

I think that the Gold Diggin Divas' YouTube "About Me" profile tells you all you really need to know about this trio:
Felicia, Betsy and Sophia "the cox sisters" were born and raised in  New Orleans La. Because of their hooter careers not taking off they decided against getting breast implants and taking the money to move to Los Angeles. Lucky for them their mother was able to move shortly after with her Fema from hurricane Katrina. The Cox sisters wanted to share a little bit of their New Orleans swag with Los Angeles through their rap music. They went from dating guys like the neighborhood mechanic GaryWayne, to wearing Christian Lou Boutins! N DAS A RAP!

That's the exact rip from YouTube - don't worry if you don't quite understand it all!

and in a slight video-call-and-response, I offer you this from BB King...

So gentlemen, be sure to mind Kanye's warning...

Sorry, Gold Diggin Divas don't get an album cover listed below - and I hope it stays that way!

Thanks to GoldDigginDivas, eaglerocktv, KanyeWestVevo for the uploads to YouTube.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tim Minchin "Prejudice"

Photo by Rich Hardcastle

A beautiful lesson from an enlightened soul...Tim Minchin uses the power of music to educate us about how to treat one another.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
--Mother Teresa

Be sure to check out his amazing poem "Storm" as well.

Ready for This?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vegan Black Metal Chef - Pad Thai

I guess I needed something to wake me up in order to add a new post, and wake up is just what I got from the Vegan Black Metal Chef! You don't have to be a Black Metal fan or even a fan of delicious pad thai to make it through the entire fourteen minutes of this cooking show...but it certainly doesn't hurt.

Sure, at times it may be difficult to see the ingredients through the striking chain mail, dangerous leather spikes and spooky makeup, but I think we all know what crushed peanuts look like. And yes it's true that our chef uses so many fantastic knives that by the time you see his spoon and spatula you are rightfully a bit underwhelmed, but I think we can also accept that the metal world really hasn't had time to branch out to other utensils just yet.

You have to love any dish where one of the most important instructions is calling for the "Heat of Satan!" It's a dish clearly served in Heaven - ironically taught to us by one of the minions of The Dark Lord himself!

Remember, "your knife doesn't even have to be that awesome!"

Website / Facebook

If this video got you in the mood for some more headbanging here is a FREE Black Metal album download from Amazon:
Black Metal - Metalhit Free Download Series

or dive deeper into the genre with this Black Metal compilation:
Black Metal

or perhaps you're just looking for a good Vegan Thai food cookbook?
A Vegan Taste of Thailand (Vegan Cookbooks)

Thanks to VeganBlackMetalChef for the upload to YouTube.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bill Hicks "Easter"

Wishing you a very Happy Easter...even though it makes no sense at all!

Rant In E Minor

Thanks to dropsevin for the upload to YouTube.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Apple Employees "It Gets Better"

Back in October, 2010 I posted Joel Burns' Message of Hope, a message letting gay teens know that life gets better and urging them to hang in there and find out. I didn't realize that his message had spawned a movement of similar messages called the It Gets Better Project, but what an amazing thing. I guess we could lament, and curse a crummy world where people are bullied to such extremes that suicide seems to be the only solution, but instead, it seems an easier choice to celebrate a world where people look out for one another, and take a moment to remind each other that it does, in fact, get better...and that you are a beautiful person.

Bravo to the brave voices who share their stories with the world and more importantly our children.

Be sure to check out The Trevor Project for more information.

Thank you to AppleEmployees upload to YouTube.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tim Minchin "Storm"

Photo by Rekha Garton
Thankfully, some people cannot silence themselves, and have no problem coming to the aide and support of reasonable, fact-filled, science-based thought.

Isn't this enough?
Just this world?
Just this beautiful, complex
Wonderfully unfathomable world?
How does it so fail to hold our attention
That we have to diminish it with the invention
Of cheap, man-made Myths and Monsters?
-Tim Minchin "Storm"

It's a ten minute trip worth taking...

Ready for This?

Thanks to stormmovie for the upload to YouTube.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Brazilian Cab Driver "Billie Jean"

The spirit of Michael Jackson lives on behind the wheel of a taxi, roaming the streets of Minas Gerais, Brazil...

Billie Jean (Single Version)

Thanks to BarrientosAgustin for the upload to YouTube.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Punk In England" Documentary

Step into a time capsule and go back to moment when rock and roll was recovering mode from a minor implosion - and a new creativity was taking music in all sorts of new directions.

How can you possibly go wrong watching a film where The Clash take control, The Jam fire off some rifles, The Specials, Selector and Madness make ska music that moves your feet and pumps your heart full of adrenaline, and a young Chrissie Hynde makes you take notice?  That's just a small bit of what you get in Wolfgang Buld's "Punk in England: British Rock - Ready for the 80's."

Get ready for an hour you'll soon wish never ended...

If you have to have it in your collection you can pick it up from Amazon:

Thanks to SeeOfSound for the upload to YouTube.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Jimmy Wong "Ching Chong, It Means I Love You"

The way she talks about someone else
That she don't even know herself
She's the sickest thing in the world
Well, look at that stupid girl.
-M. Jagger/K. Richards

Alexandra Wallace was quite sure that people really wanted to hear what she had to say. I imagine that her parents and those in her inner circle always told her how smart she was, and how her big thoughts and outspoken ways were really going to make a mark on the world. It looks like they were right. Ms. Wallace's angry rant on Asian students talking on their cell phones in the library and her disdain of those same Asian students being visited and cared for by their families went viral, and in turn angered millions of people. It has been reported that she and her family have received death threats for the rant - a rant that she claims she was simply trying to be humorous in! If she dies of anything I'm hoping it's from the embarrassment of documenting her stupidity for the world to see. Of course, the fallout has been that Ms. Wallace has withdrawn from UCLA and apologized for her video - ultimately, it's probably too little...too late.

Her video channel is gone, but, as most of us know, once you put it on the internet it is there forever, and of course, others have managed to keep her original words alive with reposts:

There are a plethora of video responses to be found to Ms. Wallace's rant, and one not-to-miss moment comes from Jimmy Wong. As Jimmy says in his sweet tune dedicated to a sour girl: When it comes to love there are no boundaries:

Thanks to mtldd1 and jimmy for the uploads to YouTube.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Kelly Family "An Angel"

This St. Patrick's Day, like every St. Patrick's Day, I am reminded of the four and a half months I spent working in Ireland in 1995. The greatest thing I will always remember about Ireland is the people. I have never experienced such warmth and true hospitality. I lived in a town called Spiddal which was a tiny speck of a town  - there was only one stop sign - it was small! You would think people in such a small and close knit community would be cautious or suspicious of foreigners, but it was really quite the opposite. I always felt welcome, and always felt that I belonged.

I associate so much of my life with music, and when I think about those days on the Connemara Coast I can hear the Oasis and Blur songs battling each other for the number one spot on the radio, but one song more than anything takes me back to that special time, oddly enough, it's The Kelly Family's "An Angel."  It was the first time I ever heard of the band, and quite frankly, I don't think I've ever heard anyone mention them since.  I understand that they have a huge following in Europe and particularly in Germany - it's my understanding that the Germans also love David Hasselhoff - I guess there's no accounting for taste.

Anyway, this extremely cheesy song was everywhere I went in Ireland in 1995, and I'm not sure if I love it because I heard it so many times that it just finally grew on me, or if I loved it the minute I heard the great chorus, or perhaps it was the moment I laid eyes on the creepy/angelic kid singing that chorus in the video. Who knows! Clearly, I'm not alone...the YouTube video has 7.8 million views!

I can pretty much guarantee that you'll love this tune as much as I do - and if you don't...well, there's no accounting for taste:

Thanks to czajka1982 for the upload to YouTube.